Entity Framework Core: What’s New and What’s Different


The Evolution of Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework Core has come a long way since its initial release. With each new version, the team behind Entity Framework Core has been working tirelessly to introduce new features and improvements to make it a more powerful and versatile tool for developers.

Performance Enhancements

One of the key focuses of the latest updates to Entity Framework Core has been on improving performance. With optimizations in query execution and data retrieval, developers can expect faster and more efficient operations when working with their data.

Flexible Migrations

Migrations have always been a crucial aspect of database management in Entity Framework Core. The latest updates have made migrations even more flexible and easy to work with. Developers now have more control over the migration process, allowing for a smoother database schema evolution.

Improved Provider Support

Entity Framework Core has also made significant strides in expanding its provider support. With improved compatibility for different database providers, developers can seamlessly work with a variety of databases, opening up new possibilities for their applications.

Code First Enhancements

The Code First approach has been a popular choice for developers using Entity Framework Core. In the latest updates, there have been enhancements to Code First, making it even more intuitive and powerful for defining and working with data models in code.

What’s Different?

With these latest updates, developers can expect a more robust and efficient experience when working with Entity Framework Core. The improvements in performance, flexibility, provider support, and Code First capabilities make it an exciting time to be working with this powerful ORM tool.